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How we helped a tactical gear store generate $160,000 from email

Tactical Gear Store specializes in selling professional tactical gear for law enforcement, military personnel, security, firefighters and other professionals. They wanted to revamp their emails and increase their revenue generated by email marketing.

After our implementations, the store generated close to $160,000 more revenue from email marketing in 5 months.

The client

Tactical Gear Store is an online store specializing in selling professional tactical gear. Their main products include Military Tactical Boots, Vests, Backpacks, Pants, Jackets, and Flashlights.

They asked us to help them redesign and optimize their emails so all their clients can “Stay Tactical” and well informed.

When we came onboard, the store was generating 9% revenue from Klaviyo. After 5 months of implementing our strategy, the Tactical Gear Store was already generating 31% revenue from Klaviyo alone.

The challenge

When we started, the store was generating 9% revenue from Klaviyo.

They had 3 flows already implemented.
These included: 

  • The Welcome series
  • Abandoned Cart
  • Browse Abandonment

The emails they had were not coherent enough, with different designs for each email. Their structure needed improvement as well – the call-to-action buttons were not that clear, the logo was different in some of the emails, and some of them lacked banners.

There was definitely room for improvement. Our task was to bring the revenue coming from Klaviyo to 20-25%.

Our strategy

After our initial audit, we set out a plan to redesign the existing flows, implement new ones, and test different strategies to increase open and click rates.

Redesign and optimize existing flow structures

Our first task was to redesign and optimize their existing emails.
We added appealing banners, created visible call-to-actions, revamped the copy, and created a more immersive email atmosphere that goes along with Tactical Gear’s overall feel.

By doing this, we managed to increase the conversion rates of the existing flows by 42% in the first month alone.

Create new flows

Our next task was to implement 2 must have flows. These were the Post Purchase and the Winback flows.

With the Post Purchase flow, we wanted to engage customers right after they place an order, build loyalty, and show that the company cares about their clients.

The Winback flow’s purpose was to nurture repeat purchases and “winback” existing customers who have not engaged with the brand for a long time.

Over the next couple of months, we went on to create more flows that included:

  • Repeat Post Purchase
  • Back in Stock
  • Birthday Flow
  • A Loyalty Program Flow

We also added SMS flows to capture all customers that were coming onto the website.


Adjust segmentation

We created new engagement-based segments, excluding unengaged users from most campaigns, further increasing the open and click rates of the store.

When we first started, the open and click rates were below average, with 18% open and 0.84% click rates:

After our segmentation process, these numbers went on to 57% open and 1.54% click rates:

These results were definitely good, but we had more work to do to increase the place order rate for campaigns, as we continued to improve and tweak the campaigns and audiences.

Create immersive campaigns

The campaigns we designed followed the structure of the flows – the copy was short and to the point and the banners had a clear call to action, inviting customers to place an order and engage with the brand.


After 5 months we could see our work paying off. The store was generating 31% revenue from email marketing:

For the 5 months prior to our implementations, the store had generated close to $111,000 from email marketing, which included the holiday months of November and December 2021.

After our implementations, the conversion rates from Klaviyo almost doubled:

Overall, the store saw great improvement and we continued to test different strategies for our client going forward. The KPIs would float around the 30% mark for each month after the initial implementations, with our peak being in November 2022, where the revenue from Klaviyo was 40%, generating close to $100,000 for Tactical Gear Store.

Let’s work together

If you want to see similar numbers in your Klaviyo account, outsourcing the whole process, from strategy to implementation, so you free up your time for the important things, then we’re here to help you. Schedule a FREE call today or write to us at office@progs.agency and let’s create your success story together.